As COVID-19 quickly spread throughout U.S. communities in the beginning of 2020, social distancing orders forced family and friends to get creative and tech savvy in order to stay connected with one another. Now, for at least another four weeks in the state of New Jersey, residents have been ordered by Governor Murphy to stay at home and schools will continue remote learning until at least May 15, 2020. So, with an even longer extended period at home now, you might be looking for new and fun ways to keep connected while physically apart from friends and family outside your immediate quarantine crew.
Topics: parenting, activities with kids, tips, things to do, Coronavirus, family
How to Support Your High School Senior During COVID-19
Senior year in high school usually brings graduation, proms, senior trips, awards banquets and so many more last chance opportunities to bond with friends before entering the real world. Many high school graduates, if asked, recall high school with a nostalgic twinkle in their eyes, fondly remembering carefree times spent with friends.
Topics: high school, students, parenting, Coronavirus
5 Reasons Little Acorns Pre-K @ Oak Knoll Is Different
Each year, millions of parents across the country send their young children to preschool early on to empower them with the skills they need to succeed in future learning.
Topics: admissions, pre-kindergarten, pre-K, preschool
Tips for Working at Home with Kids During Coronavirus Pandemic
It’s no secret parents are dealing with a lot at home throughout this COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, which shutdown schools across the country — and the globe — for an undefined amount of time. If you're like me, you're at home helping to facilitate distance learning for your multiple elementary-aged children and toddlers while working your own job from home. You're juggling parenting, working, helping with online learning and trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy in your home. Oh yeah, and you're trying to remember to shower.
As an educator and a parent, it gives me a unique perspective on this at-home time and what it can and should mean for families, that I felt it important to share some lessons learned to help you navigate these unsettling times and be the heroes of your own household.
Topics: parenting, social and emotional learning, tips, Coronavirus, family
How To Help Others (and Yourself) During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The spread of the novel COVID-19 has forced more closures and stay-at-home orders than we have seen in our lifetime. Most of the news this month quickly inundated us with frightening stories and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is, for many, difficult.
Topics: community service, parenting, mental health, Coronavirus
As we continue to weather the storm of the novel COVID-19 virus weaving its way throughout the world, millions of children everywhere are hunkered down at home, at their computers, attending their “virtual school day” – as they navigate this new reality.
Topics: technology, high school, elementary school, parenting, middle school
We keep hearing the term “social distancing” as one of the key measures to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus to others. And with state and national guidelines restricting large gatherings, what does this really mean? Must we remain quarantined inside our homes? Is it OK to have a playdate with a friend? Can you still host that birthday party this weekend? Should you go for a walk in the park?
With all of the news and social media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, children may be confused and frightened by what they see and hear. Imaginations run wild on the playground and parents may feel that the topic should remain off-limits to avoid sparking fear in their child more than necessary. But according to The Child Mind Institute, children are actually more fearful when they are kept in the dark.
Topics: high school, elementary school, parenting, middle school, health, tips, mental health
As we begin to thaw out from the winter and students everywhere begin their spring break vacations, what better opportunity for students and their families to switch gears from the classroom toward relaxation and regroup time?
What Girls Can Learn from Taylor Swift’s 'Miss Americana' Documentary
When you hear the name Taylor Swift, what comes to mind? Pop music, blond hair, little miss perfect? Or, if you’re like me, you think all of those things but with a little more country twang. Wait, it isn’t 2006 anymore and I am sad.
Topics: all-girls, students, building confidence