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Exciting Surprises to Turbocharge Summer Passions at Your Local Library

Posted by Chris Starr on Jun 10, 2024 10:29:52 AM

Oak Knoll’s Hope Memorial Library in the Upper School and the Bonaventura Hall Library in the Lower School offer a spectacular selection of reading and resources for students. Upper School Librarian Elinor Takenaga and Lower School Librarian Betty Castello are experts at pointing students toward age-appropriate casual reading and material that supports classroom projects. In addition to tens of thousands of books, online academic research databases, magazines, and newspapers ensure our students can turbo-charge their passion for learning and their pure enjoyment of the written word.

Just a few weeks before the close of school, Takenaga spearheaded a series of field trips to the local Summit library so that students could receive their public library card and tour the facility to investigate its resources. They discovered that many local libraries now go way beyond offering written resources that students and their families can use over the summer for recreation, college planning, passion projects, and much more. Open the doors to your local library, and you may discover some quirky and welcome surprises.

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Topics: reading, summit new jersey, Summit NJ, activities with kids, student advice, tips, things to do, family, Community

Improve Your Child’s Executive Functioning Skills

Posted by Chris Starr on Nov 1, 2023 2:10:48 PM

Those who struggle with Executive Functioning can often face challenges with activation (getting started on a project), focus (avoiding distraction), effort (following through on tasks), emotion (self-control and self-regulation), and action (monitoring progress and staying on track).

In a webinar for parents entitled “Executive Functioning 101,” Oak Knoll Upper School Academic Support Counselor Kelly Ross explained, “Executive Functioning is critical for social behaviors, emotional well-being, and goal-directed behaviors.” She stressed that under-developed executive functioning skills are not a character flaw, but a neurological issue, that can affect social emotional skills across the board, but can be improved through targeted assistance.

Though Ross works with Upper School students at Oak Knoll to recognize areas for improvement and assist them in honing their executive functioning capabilities, she offers this advice to all parents on how they can support executive functioning skill development at home.

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Topics: parenting, tips, building confidence, academics, executive functioning

Keeping Cool About the Return to School?

Posted by Chris Starr on Aug 24, 2023 1:12:48 PM

After weeks of summer fun, a relaxed bed-time routine, more screen time with video games or nighttime movies, and a casual approach to daily responsibilities, your child may be experiencing some anxiety about the return to school in a few weeks, or may be feeling a little less than excited about the prospect.

Experts say there are a number of ways in which parents can ease the transition back to school by using the last few weeks of summer prior to the start of class to physically and mentally prepare for the new academic year.

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Topics: back-to-school, parenting, tips, mental health, family

College Counseling Roadmap: Early Advice for Navigating the Journey

Posted by Chris Starr on May 15, 2023 1:08:48 PM

A major forte at an independent school such as Oak Knoll is the bespoke nature of its college counseling program. Smaller class sizes, lower faculty to student ratios, and individualized learning allow students to be known and honored for their unique abilities and personalities. At Oak Knoll, this enables our college counseling team to tailor a highly personal approach to researching and applying to universities which is introduced to freshman and sophomore parents each year at our College Counseling Roadmap — a late Spring session for families of ninth and tenth graders that offers the following expert advice for gradually navigating school visits, applications, interviews, and acceptances.

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Topics: high school, parenting, tips, college counseling, family

5 Young Adult Books by Black Authors

Posted by Chris Starr on Feb 24, 2023 11:49:20 AM

Oak Knoll's Upper School Librarian, Elinor Takenaga, has curated a short list of literary fiction and non-fiction this February to encourage our young readers to read not only books about Black History but also books by Black authors who write about a variety of topics/storylines. Here are a few of her suggestions:

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Topics: reading, tips, diversity, equity, inclusion and justice, Black History Month

Tips for Keeping Kids Safe This Summer

Posted by Robert Weck on Jun 5, 2021 7:53:57 PM

New Jersey’s weather has warmed up in recent weeks and the lazy and longer days of summer are on the horizon. This is certainly a relief after COVID-19 shut-downs and precautions left many of us feeling stir-crazy.

However, as schools here in our own state and across the country dismiss children for summer break, more children will be out and about attending summer camps, at town swimming pools, riding bikes, or walking around with their friends. 

Now is a prime opportunity for parents, adults, and caregivers to review safety tips with children. 

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Topics: parenting, tips, summer, safety

Tips for Helping Your Child Navigate Changes in Learning Environment

Posted by Laura Perillo on Jan 13, 2021 11:15:39 AM

With the New Year here (finally!) and school back underway after the holidays, the toggle between children learning in-person (full or half-day) to learning virtually from home can be stressful and confusing for families. 

While we’d all like to get back to pre-COVID days, unfortunately, the virus is still hanging around. As a result, it has caused many schools to pivot back-and-forth between teaching children in the classroom and virtually at home with little notice. 

With the school juggle this year still very volatile, we have some helpful tips for families to help ease your children into this new way of learning.

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Topics: high school, elementary school, parenting, middle school, tips, COVID-19, virtual learning

10 Things To Do with Kids Over Winter Break

Posted by Laura Perillo on Dec 17, 2020 1:43:39 PM

Although many of us might be fresh out of ideas of ways to keep our children entertained during this pandemic, brace yourselves – winter break is nearly here, and more down time is around the corner. 

If we rewind the clock, surely we all remember looking forward to blocks of time off from school. So, with our own happy memories of days off from school in mind, it’s time to make our own children’s days off from school just as memorable. 

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Topics: christmas, community service, activities with kids, tips, things to do, winter break

5 COVID-19 Back to School Tips

Posted by Laura Perillo on Sep 15, 2020 11:00:00 AM

In September, as the air gets cooler, kids load their new notebooks, folders, and pencils into their new backpacks. When the first day of school finally arrives, parents shuttle their children out the door and cross their fingers for smiles and a great first day. This year, however, back-to-school looks vastly different as the country is still dodging COVID-19 minus a vaccine.

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Topics: back-to-school, parenting, tips, Coronavirus, COVID-19

Podcast: Understanding Re-Entry Anxiety in Children

Posted by Meghan Hodgin on Aug 24, 2020 5:19:34 PM

In our brand new podcast, Academically Speaking, Laura Perillo — Oak Knoll's Marketing Content Strategist in the Office of Marketing and Communications — sat down with new Lower School Guidance Counselor Melissa Nelson on re-entry anxiety in children as they return to campus this fall under COVID-19 restrictions.

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Topics: elementary school, parenting, separation anxiety, tips, mental health, Coronavirus, COVID-19

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