Private School Blog | Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child

Keeping Cool About the Return to School?

Written by Chris Starr | Aug 24, 2023 5:12:48 PM

After weeks of summer fun, a relaxed bed-time routine, more screen time with video games or nighttime movies, and a casual approach to daily responsibilities, your child may be experiencing some anxiety about the return to school in a few weeks, or may be feeling a little less than excited about the prospect.

Experts say there are a number of ways in which parents can ease the transition back to school by using the last few weeks of summer prior to the start of class to physically and mentally prepare for the new academic year.

Probe their feelings

Depending on how rigid or relaxed their summer routine has been, you may have a sense for how much “adjustment” they will need to approach the new school year with confidence and positivity. Several weeks before that first day of school take some time to probe their feelings. Ask them how they feel about the summer coming to an end and if they are looking forward to the next academic year. If they do express anxiety, acknowledge and validate their feelings. You may say something like, “I know it has been a relaxing summer and it will be hard to re-adjust. I feel confident you can do it, and I’m here to help.”

Ease back into school-year routines

Don’t wait until school begins to re-initiate school-year routines. Several weeks before the start of school, prepare for the transition by gradually reinstating school-year bedtimes, selecting tomorrow’s clothes, waking up early, and resuming regularly scheduled meals.

Reconnect with peers from school before the academic year begins

Research shows that the presence of a familiar peer during school transitions can improve children’s academic and emotional adjustment. Set up some play dates with school friends prior to the first day of class so your child can feel they are not alone in the transition to a new routine.

Restock school supplies well in advance

Are there any school supplies you can purchase well in advance? Check the condition of backpacks, athletic uniforms, notebooks and binders. Beat the rush and get those supplies in order at least a week before the first day of class. For everyone in the household’s peace of mind, choose a spot that you can use to stage with backpacks, lunchboxes, important school notices and information that will be sent home with your child.

Make time for your child during the first weeks of school

If possible, plan to be at home during the first weeks of school. Postpone business trips, events, adult gatherings, and unnecessary outings. Be present in the evenings to engage with your child, discuss the day, ensure homework routines are initiated, and the new school year is off to a smooth start.

Children generally take their lead from parents and caregivers. Approach the new school year with a sense of joy, encouragement, and excitement. Before you know it, your child will be off and running toward the playground and school grounds with another successful transition under their belt.

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!